Past Simple tense

Past Simple Tense– Անցյալ կատարյալ

Exercise 1

Complete these sentences. Use the verbs below.
clean – die – enjoy – end – happen – live – open – play – rain – repair – start – stay – want – watch

1. Yesterday evening I watched TV.
2. I only cleaned my teeth four times last week.
3. Bruce repaired his mountain bike yesterday evening.
4. The concert started at 7.30 and ended at 10 o’clock last night.
5. The accident happened  last Sunday afternoon.
6. When I was a child, I wanted to be a lawyer.
7. Mozart lived from 1756 to 1791.
8. We enjoyed our holiday last week.
9. Today the weather is nice, but yesterday it rained .
10. It was hot in the room, so I opened the window.
11. The weather was good yesterday afternoon, so we played tennis.
12. William Shakespeare died in 1616.

Exercise 2

Put the sentences from the present into the past simple.
1. He always goes to work by car. Yesterday he went  to work by bus.
2. They always get up early. This morning they got up late.
3. Bill often loses his key. He lost one last Saturday.
4. I write a letter to Jane every week. Last week I wrote two letters.
5. She meets her friends every evening. She met them yesterday evening, too.
6. I usually read two newspapers every day. I only read a newspaper yesterday.
7. They come to my house every Friday. Last Friday they came , too.
8. We usually go to the cinema on Sunday. We went to the cinema last Sunday, too.
9. Tom always has a shower in the morning. Tom had a shower this morning, too.
10. They buy a new car every year. Last year they bought a new car, too.
11. I eat an orange every day. Yesterday I  ate two oranges.
12. We usually do our shopping on Monday. We did our shopping last Monday, too.
13. Ann often takes photos. Last weekend she took some photos.
14. We leave at 8.30 every morning. But yesterday we left at 8.00.

Exercise 3

Put the verbs into the correct form (simple past).

  1. Last year I spent  my holiday in Ireland.
  2. It was  great.
  3. I traveled  around by car with two friends and we visited  lots of interesting places.
  4. In the evenings we usually go  to a pub.
  5. One night we even learned  some Irish dances.
  6. We were very lucky with the weather.
  7. It didn’t rain  a lot.
  8. But we saw  some beautiful rainbows.
  9. Where did you spend  your last holiday?

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